| eval start_time=strftime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N") Splunk has the eval command which either can be used by itself ( eval fooif (eventtype'event1',somecalculation,someothercalculation)) or as part of some kind of stats command ( stats count (eval (someevalcondition)) for instance, replace with whatever statistical function you want). | stats min(_time) AS start_time max(_time) AS end_time range(_time) AS duration values(A) AS A BY event_id B matched_value \ D should be avoided in speech using the backslash (\) character. During this example the primary three sets of mastercard numbers are going to be created anonymously. But it is most efficient to filter in the very first search command if possible.

This command is used to extract the fields using regular expressions. Yes, you can use isnotnull with the where command. Rex command in splunk is used for field extraction in the search head.
#Splunk rex or condition series#
| table _time event_id event_status event_type event_string A B matched_value Use Use to match regex with a series of numbers and replace the unknown unit with one unit. Yes, fieldA means 'fieldA must have a value.' Blank space is actually a valid value, hex 20 ASCII space - but blank fields rarely occur in Splunk. | eval matched_value=tonumber(A) | eval matched_value=CASE(event_type="Normal Packet Received", matched_value+10, event_type="Packet Processed", matched_value) | eval event_string=split(event_string, " ") Im a newbie to SPlunk trying to do some dashboards and need help in extracting fields of a particular variable.