We are creating an object tiger of class wild(). We have two class here, one is base or parent class animal() and another one is derived or child class wild(). We can use mro() method to check the mro of the class.
In above code change the class declaration of z like this. Z1.m1() # method with class x() will be executed I am y m1 MRO with multiple inheritance class x(): # base or parent class Here is an example of how Method resolution Order decide the method to use. We may have common methods in different classes, then how Python will decide which order to follow the reach the desired method?

We are using inheritance where object can use methods of different classes. But this constructor of _init_() in child class will disconnect the inheritance of constructor from parent class. We can also use _init_() in our child class. Since child class has inherited the _init_() method of parent class so we continue to use the same. Note that we have not used method _init_() in our child class. So z can use methods of both x and y, but y can't use methods of x. Note that y is not the child class of x but z is the child class of x and y. One child class ( z here ) can have multiple parent or base class ( y and x here ). With this multilevel of inheritance the object of z can use method of class x. Class x is the base class of y and y is the base class of z. One parent class ( y here ) can be the child of another class ( x here ). There can be multiple level of derived or child classes. Base or parent class : Our main class where methods and properties are declared.ĭerived or child class: Can use methods and properties of Base class along with its own functionality.